Integration of design smells and role-stereotypes classification dataset
Author(s) : Ogenrwot,D|Nakatumba-Nabende,J|RV Chaudron,M|,
Type : journal
Publisher : ELSEVIER | Link
Design smells are recurring patterns of poorly designed (fragments of) software systems that may hinder maintainability. Role-stereotypes indicate generic responsibilities that classes play in system design. Although the concepts of role-stereotypes and design smells are widely divergent, both are significant contributors to the design and maintenance of software systems.
Year of Publication: 2022
Author(s) : Benedict Oyo, Daniel Ogenrwot, John Byabazire
Type : journal
Publisher : ELSEVIER | Link
Year of Publication: 2021
Comparison of Occurrence of Design Smells in Desktop and Mobile Applications
Author(s) : Ogenrwot,D|Nakatumba-Nabende,J|R.V. Caudron,M
Type : conf
Publisher : CEUR Workshop Proceedings | Link
In this study, we explored the use of statistics and unsupervised learning on a dataset consisting of twelve (12) Javabased open-source projects mined from GitHub. We identified fifteen (15) most frequent design smells across desktop and mobile applications. Additionally, a clustering technique revealed which groups of design smells that often co-occur. Specifically,{SpeculativeGenerality, SwissArmyKnife} and {LongParameterList, ClassDataShouldBePrivate} are observed to occur frequently together in desktop and mobile applications.
Year of Publication: 2020
Embedded System Design
Author(s) : Aguma,B
Type : journal
Publisher : JDJAN | Link not provided
Year of Publication: 2020
A Rule Induction Attribute Selection Algorithms for Intrusion Detection Systems
Author(s) : Ashaba,AA|Mirembe,DP
Type : journal
Publisher : Indian Journal of Computer Science | Link
Communication network infrastructures such as internet and intranet have become more reliable and widely used individually and across organizations. The level of dependence of computer users on such infrastructures has increased and is by far becoming way of life. This dependence is associated with increasing level of threats to security resulting into outcomes such as interference to valid communication channels and loss of valuable information. While there exists traditional security methods such as authentication tools, firewalls and virtual private networks to mitigate such threats and minimize computer system vulnerability to unauthorized access, they have been so vulnerable to exploitations from internal and external threats. This led to the development of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) to complement on the existing methods. IDS seek distinctive features between the normal data and intrusive activities based on the behavior of users, networks or computer systems. However, with IDS, the expert’s guess, experience and knowledge are central when choosing the features for detection which often results to false alarms and insufficiency of the detection system.
Year of Publication: 2018
Sickle Cell
Author(s) : Kevin,A|Daniel,O
Type : book
Publisher : ELSEVIER | Link
Some some some some some some some
Year of Publication: 2017
Author(s) : John,JB
Type : journal
Publisher : John | Link
Year of Publication: 2009
Idea Box
Author(s) : Aguma,AB
Type : edited
Publisher : Fridah | Link
Year of Publication: 2009
Re-Conceptualisation of Higher Education Quality Management Problems using Feedback Systems Thinking
Author(s) : Benedict Oyo, Williams Ddembe
Type : journal
Publisher : Int. Journal of Mgt in Education | Link not provided
Year of Publication: 2009